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Tänan, hästi. Jah, ma olen üliõpilane. Kvaliteetne nahk ja huvitav disain — erinevad perforeeringud, augud ja jäljendid on LLOYDi selle kevadsuve peamised märksõnad.

They have not seen each other since they left school, but one day they meet by chance on the street in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Tere, Tõnu!

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Kuidas sa elad? Tänan, hästi. Kas sa oled üliõpilane?

  • Függelék észt szó – Wikiszótár
  • Скорее всего Хедрон проговорился; Элвин несколько досадовал на Шута, выдавшего его секрет.

Jah, ma olen üliõpilane. Kus sa õpid? Ma õpin Tartu Ülikoolis.

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Kas sa töötad? Jah, ma töötan Tallinna Kaubamajas.

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Hi, Tõnu! How are you? Well, thanks.

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Are you a student? Where are you studying? Are you working? Yes, I work in the Tallinn department store.

Разумнее будет, решил он, пока говорить об этом как можно меньше и постараться обратить все происшедшее Успех этого намерения оказался под угрозой после того, как, наткнувшись при выходе на Алистру, Хедрон не сумел скрыть своих чувств. Она увидела страх, столь отчетливо написанный у него на лице, и тут же решила, что Элвин находится в опасности.

In the vocabulary lists that appear throughout the book, nouns and adjectives are toiduaja tabel slim alla in the nominative and genitive cases; the partitive form is also given in the glossary at the end of the book. A dash — indicates that the form is identical to the nominative.

Verbs are given in the infinitive -ma form. Vocabulary tere!

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Consonant gradation The difference between the -pp- of the infinitive õppima and the single -p- in the present-tense forms is an instance of the phenomenon of consonant gradation, which is an integral part of Estonian grammar and applies to all declinable classes of words. We loodan rasva alla power burn master be returning to consonant gradation again later as we meet it in various forms.

Definiteness and indefiniteness Ma olen õpilane.

Vanad barjäärid on murdumas — klassika ja casual rõiva- ja jalatsimoes ei ole enam lepitamatud vastased. Kontorirõivad ja jalatsid on muutunud sportlikumaks ja vabamaks — jalatsikollektsioonides on tavapärased pruunid ja mustad toonid välja vahetatud rõõmsate, värskete ja julgete värvide vastu. Muidugi ei puudu ka valged, hallid ja pastelsed toonid nagu aqua-sinine, laim, roosa ja pruun.

I am a student. Noun cases Estonian has a system of noun cases which largely do the work that prepositions do in English.

Top 1000 Words In Estonian

The nominative case, which represents the subject of the sentence, is the basic form given in the glossaries, and it has no particular characteristic ending: õpilane, ülikool, kaubamaja, Piret and so on. Thus in the example given above, Ma olen õpilane, both ma and õpilane appear in the nominative case.

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There are fourteen commonly used noun cases in Estonian, and we shall meet them all in the course of the units. The genitive form usually ends in a vowel, and because of its importance in forming other cases, you will find the genitive form given after the nominative form for all nouns listed in the glossaries.

For example, the genitive of ülikool is ülikooli, and knowing this form we can form nearly all the other cases of this noun.

List Most Common Estonian Words With English Translations

I study at the University of Tartu. When we come to study adjectives, we will see that they too can be declined; in most cases they agree in number and case with the noun they qualify.

В конце спуска тихий голос вновь подсказал Элвину направление, и тот двинулся по проходу между титаническими конструкциями, похожими на дремлющих истуканов. Еще трижды голос обращался к нему, и, наконец, Элвин понял, что достиг Машина, перед которой он оказался, была меньше, чем большинство ее соседей, но Элвин все равно ощущал себя карликом. Пять ее сегментов своими плавными горизонтальными линиями напоминали присевшего зверя.

We say Piret is a young woman. Piret on noor naine. So we find: nom.