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Tere tulemast minu juurde! Hea külaline, loodan, et leiad siit kasulikku teavet, harivat lugemist ja kui mitte vastuseid Sinu küsimustele, siis tee, kuidas nendeni jõuda. Olen olemas, kui soovid jagada oma rõõmuhetki ja muremõtteid.

Tule jälle! Heade soovidega, Sirle : pühapäev, It's still common to hear people referred to as "anal," a Freudian idea that no longer has much currency in contemporary psychology.

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Ideas like black holes and quantum leaps play a metaphorical role that's only loosely tethered to their original scientific meanings. What about the idea that some people are more right-brained and others more left-brained?

Or that there's a distinctive analytic and verbal style of thinking associated with the left hemisphere of the brain, and a more holistic, creative style associated with the right?

Are these scientific facts or cultural fictions? An infographic reproduced just last month at Lifehack.

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One highly publicized papersummarized at The Guardianfailed to find evidence that individuals tend to have stronger left- or right-sided brain networks.

A new book by Stephen M. Kosslyn and G. So while there's something deeply compelling about the clear-cut, right-brain versus left-brain classification or is that just my left hemisphere speaking? The real story, as you might expect, is a bit more complicated — but arguably more interesting — than the infographics and popular headlines seem to suggest.

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To get a clearer picture of what we do and don't know about hemispheric brain differences in humans, I was fortunate to have an opportunity to interview a leading cognitive neuroscientist, Kara D. Federmeierwhose research focuses on language, memory and hemispheric asymmetries throughout the lifespan. And, full disclosure, she was also one of my first scientific mentors and co-authors. One idea that's often heard in popular discussions of psychology is that the left brain is the seat of language and more "logical," while the right brain parim joosta rasva poletamiseks more creative.

Is there any truth to this idea?

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One problem with answering this question is that we would first have to agree on what "logical" and "creative" even mean. So let's consider a relatively more well-defined case: math skills, which are kaalulanguse pintsli massaaz taken to be part of what the "logical" left hemisphere would slimming tesco good at.

Meeste slimming undershirt kohl are different kinds of math skills, ranging from being able to estimate which of two sets of things has a greater number of items, to counting, to various types of calculations.

Research shows that, overall, the abilities that make up math skills arise from processing that takes place in BOTH hemispheres especially the brain area in each hemisphere that is known as the intraparietal sulcus and that damage to either hemisphere can cause difficulties with math. A left hemisphere advantage for math is mostly seen for tasks like counting and reciting multiplication tables, which rely heavily on memorized verbal information thus, not exactly what we think of as "logical"!

And there are right hemisphere advantages on some math-related tasks as well, especially estimating the quantity of a set of objects. This kind of pattern, in which both hemispheres of the brain make critical contributions, holds for most types of cognitive skills. It takes two hemispheres to be logical — or to be creative.

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The claim that the left hemisphere is the seat of language, however, is a little different. That idea comes from observations that damage to the left hemisphere for example, due to a stroke is often associated with difficulties producing language, meeste slimming undershirt kohl problem known as aphasia. Similar damage to the right hemisphere is much less likely to cause aphasia. In fact, for most people, the left hemisphere does play a much more important role in the ability to speak than the right hemisphere does.

However, this does not mean that the right hemisphere is "nonverbal. So, like other complex skills, the ability to understand what we read or what someone is saying to us requires both hemispheres, working together and separately. Early studies of hemispheric asymmetries often relied on meeste slimming undershirt kohl patients who had the corpus callosum — the bundle kas statsionaarne bike poletab kohurasva neural fibers that connects the two hemispheres — severed as a treatment for severe epilepsy.

In such studies, information could be provided to a single hemisphere at a time by presenting people with input to one side of the visual field, since the right visual field is processed by the left hemisphere, and vice versa. Kaalulangus jumalaga lab uses contemporary neuro-scientific techniques, such as measures of brain wave activity EEG and ERP to investigate hemispheric asymmetries, and typically does so in individuals with intact brains.

How do you do so, and do your findings corroborate or challenge earlier inferences made from the behavior of split-brain patients? We actually use the same basic technique, known as "visual half field presentation. That's not true. It would make our studies so much easier if it were, since we could just ask people to close one eye! Instead, half of the information coming into each eye goes to each of the hemispheres, with the result, as you point out, that if you are looking forward, things you see to the right of where you are looking are being picked up initially by your left hemisphere and things to the left by your right hemisphere.

To look at hemispheric differences, we ask our participants, who are usually either college students or retired adults, to look at the center of the screen. We then display words or pictures, or other types of stimuli fairly slimming loomulik viis — so people can't move their eyes fast enough to fixate them directly — to the left or the right side of a computer screen.

By comparing how people respond for example, whether they can accurately remember a word when it was processed first by the left hemisphere versus by the right hemisphere, we can test ideas about what each hemisphere is capable of and whether one hemisphere has better, or different, meeste slimming undershirt kohl compared to the other.

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Often, we also measure brain electrical activity in these experiments because that provides rich information about how processing is unfolding over time: we can track what happens as the eyes send information to visual processing areas in the brain, as people pay attention to a word, access its meaning from memory, and add this new information into their unfolding understanding of a sentence, and as people, in some cases, decide how to respond and then prepare to press a button to register their response.

In general, the kinds of hemispheric differences that were uncovered in split-brain patients have been replicated and then extended using these techniques in people with intact brains. This sometimes surprises people, including my fellow cognitive neuroscientists.

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The idea that the two hemispheres perceive things differently, attach different significance to things, obtain different meanings from stimuli, and, sometimes, make different decisions about what to do seems like it should be an exotic side effect of the split-brain condition.

When the hemispheres are connected, don't they just share all the information and operate in a unified fashion? The answer is, no, they don't. They don't, in part, because they can't. Processing within each hemisphere relies on a rich, dense network of connections.

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The corpus callosum that connects the hemispheres is big for a fiber tract, but it is tiny compared to the network of connections within each hemisphere. Physically, then, it doesn't seem feasible for the hemispheres to fully share information or to operate in a fully unified fashion.

Moreover, in a lot of cases, keeping things separate is literally! Dividing up tasks and allowing the hemispheres to work semi-independently and take different approaches to the same problem seems to kaalulangus powe a good strategy for the brain It makes sense to have specialized brain regions, just as it makes sense to have divisions of labor in other areas of life. But why have specialized hemispheres?

In other words, do you think there's something meeste slimming undershirt kohl that can be said meeste slimming undershirt kohl the sorts of processing that occur in the left hemisphere versus the right hemisphere, or is each simply a constellation of somewhat distinct, specialized regions?

Specifically how and why the hemispheres differ remains a mystery. They are actually remarkably similar physically, and this is one reason I think that studying hemispheric differences is critical for the field.

From this, we hope we can learn something about how and why these anatomical differences matter. However, in doing this, the field has also uncovered a lot of hemispheric asymmetries — cases in which, for example, a left hemisphere brain area becomes active and its right hemisphere homologue with the SAME basic inputs, outputs, etc.

This should really surprise us: here are two brain areas that are essentially the same on all the dimensions the field is used to thinking about, yet they behave strikingly differently.

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There must be physical differences between them, of course — but then, this means that those "subtle" differences are much more critical for function than the field has appreciated.

My own view is that studies of hemispheric differences will help to move the field away from thinking in terms of mapping functions onto localized brain areas.

Tere tulemast minu juurde! Hea külaline, loodan, et leiad siit kasulikku teavet, harivat lugemist ja kui mitte vastuseid Sinu küsimustele, siis tee, kuidas nendeni jõuda. Olen olemas, kui soovid jagada oma rõõmuhetki ja muremõtteid. Tule jälle! Heade soovidega, Sirle : pühapäev,

I believe that cognitive functions arise from dynamically configured neural networks. On this view, the role played by any given brain area is different depending on the state of the network of which it is currently a part, and how activity unfolds over time often matters more than where it is in the brain. Why do the hemispheres differ? I think it is because even small differences in something like the strength with which areas are connected can lead to very different dynamic patterns of activation over time — and thus different functions.

For language comprehension in particular, my work has shown that left hemisphere processing is more influenced by what are meeste slimming undershirt kohl called "top-down" connections, which means that the left hemisphere is more likely to predict what word might be coming up next and to have its processing affected by that prediction.

The right hemisphere, instead, shows more "feedforward" processing: it is less influenced by predictions which can make its processing less efficient but then more able to later remember meeste slimming undershirt kohl about the words it encountered.

Because of what is likely a difference possibly small in the efficacy of particular connections within each hemisphere, the same brain areas in the two interact differently, and this leads to measurable and important asymmetries in how words are perceived, linked to meaning, remembered, and responded to. This is unlikely to be the only difference between the hemispheres, of course.

But I think the answer to your question is that what we see across the pattern of asymmetries is neither a random collection of unrelated differences nor divisions based on one or even a small set of functional principles e.

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Rather, some of the underlying biology is skewed, and this has far reaching consequences for the kinds of patterns that can be set up over time in the two hemispheres, leading to sets of functional differences that we can hopefully eventually link systematically to these underlying biological causes, and thereby deepen our understanding of how the brain works.

What's surprised you most about the hemispheric asymmetries you've found or failed to find! One of my favorite findings came from an experiment in which we used adjectives to change the meaning of the same noun.

For example, the word "book" in "green book" refers to something concrete — that is, something for which it is easy to create a mental image. However, given "interesting book" people now usually think about the content of the book rather than its physical form, so the kaalulangus biotiiniga word has become more "abstract" in meaning.

A lot of research shows that concrete and abstract words are processed differently in the brain.

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We wanted to see if those differences could be found for exactly the same word depending on what it was referring to, and whether the two hemispheres were similarly affected by concreteness. We found in this experiment, as we had previously in many others, that the left hemisphere is very sensitive to the predictability of word combinations. Fewer nouns can go with "green" than with "interesting," and brain activity elicited in response to "book" reflected this when the words were meeste slimming undershirt kohl initially to the left hemisphere.

However, to our surprise, it was the right hemisphere that elicited imagery-related brain activity to "green book" compared to "interesting book.

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Another popular idea is that some people are more "left brained" and others more "right brained. More generally, what kinds of individual differences do you see in hemispheric specialization?

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There are certainly individual differences in meeste slimming undershirt kohl specialization across people, but they are very difficult to reliably determine. Where this matters most is in medical contexts: when people are going to have brain surgery e. As I mentioned already, most of the time the left hemisphere is more important for speaking, for example, but that isn't true in absolutely everyone. In order to determine if a person's left or right hemisphere is more important for their language production, physicians use things like the WADA test, in which a barbiturate kaalulangus meti dana injected into one hemisphere to temporarily shut it down, allowing the physician to see what each hemisphere can do on its own.

This is obviously a very invasive test and not perfect at that. If it were possible to instead figure out whether someone relied more on their left or right hemisphere meeste slimming undershirt kohl having them look at a meeste slimming undershirt kohl figure or answer a few questions, that would obviously be preferable There are, of course, differences in how people learn and think, what they like, and what they are like although, since everyone's brain is different, I think the similarities are actually more surprising than the differences.

Some of these differences may arise because of individual differences in how the hemispheres are organized or which hemisphere tends to be used in particular circumstances. In some cases, split-brain patients' hands — one controlled by each hemisphere — literally fought for control of a particular task; it is intriguing to imagine that kind of struggle routinely taking place internally for everyone else! However, it seems safe to say that for the most part we all use both sides of our brains almost all the time.