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Oluline on teada, et diabeeti, AIDSi, tsöliaakiat või kilpnäärmeprobleeme põdevatel inimestel on kalduvus kaltsiumipuudusele. Liiga palju kaltsiumi sisaldus veres või hüperkaltseemia võib põhjustada hüperkaltseuria ja neerude või kuseteede moodustumist. Jenkins, Edward D. Tuleb meeles pidada, et kaltsiumi tarbimine ei tohiks kunagi ületada 2 g päevas. The Pierre Shale and alluvium underlie most of the area, and mesa gravel caps the shale hills adjacent to Fountain Valley.

Jenkins, Edward D. It is 23 miles long and has an area of 26 square miles.

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The part of Jimmy Camp Valley discussed is 11 miles long valge neeru bean modere has an area of 9 square miles. The topography is characterized by level flood plains and alluvial terraces that parallel the valley and by rather steep hills along the valley sides.

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The climate is semiarid, average annual precipitation being about 13 inches. Farming and stock raising are the principal occupations in the valleys; however, some of the agricultural land near Colorado Springs is being used for housing developments.

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The Pierre Shale and alluvium underlie most of the area, and mesa gravel caps the shale hills adjacent to Fountain Valley. The alluvium yields water to domestic, stock, irrigation, and public-supply wells and is capable of yielding large quantities of water for intermittent periods. Several springs issue along the sides of the valley at the contact of the mesa gravel and the underlying Pierre Shale.

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The water table ranges in depth from less than 10 feet along the bottom lands to about 80 feet along the sides of the valleys; the saturated thickness ranges from less than a foot to about 50 feet. The ground-water reservoir in Fountain Valley is recharged by precipitation that falls within the area, by percolation from Fountain Creek, which originates in the Pikes Peak, Monument Valley, and Rampart Range areas, and by seepage from irrigation water.

This reservoir contains about 70, acre-feet of ground water in storage. The ground-water reservoir in Jimmy Camp Valley is recharged from precipitation that falls within the area, by percolation from Jimmy Camp Creek during periods of streamflow, and by seepage from irrigation water.

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The Jimmy Camp ground-water reservoir contains about 25, acre-feet of water in storage. Ground water is discharged from the area by movement to the south, by evaporation and transpiration in.

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