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Ruiz, E-mail: earriola ugr. Bekhterev Dedicated to the th birth anniversary of V.

Laar, Mart, Riigikogu liige Mart Laar vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad tema sissetulekuid ja investeeringuid, perekonda, tööd Swedpanki nõukogus, Gruusia, Montenegro ja Serbia nõustamist, sõprust Suurbritannia endise peaministri Margaret Thatcheriga ning suhteid mitmete Eesti poliitikutega.

Ruiz, E-mail: earriola ugr.

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We show that unitarily equivalent Hamiltonians on the grid generate reaction matrices which are compatible with Levinson's theorem but are phase-inequivalent along the SRG trajectory. An isospectral definition of the phase-shift in terms of an energy-shift is possible but requires in addition a proper ordering of states on a momentum grid such as to fulfill Levinson's theorem.

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We show how the SRG with different generators G induces different isospectral flows in the presence of bound-states, leading to distinct orderings in the infrared limit. While the Wilson generator induces an ascending ordering incompatible with Levinson's theorem, the Wegner generator provides a much better ordering, although not the optimal one.

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