Rf slimming skin 101,

Vaatamata edastatud infole, kaubal puuduvad igasugused ennetavad, diagnostilised, terapeutilised, rehabilitatsioonilised omadused; toode ei ole ravim, ei sobi kasutamiseks meditsiinilisel eesmärgil ning ei ole meditsiinitoode. USB rechargeable Instructions: A. Please make sure that the filter sponge has been properly loaded into the filter cup and its dry it hasn't inhaled any water or other fluids before the care. Clean the facial skin and dry it 3.

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Install the dermabrasion head or the beauty head with a large round hole 2. Clean the facial skin and dry it 3. Move up the beauty instrument from the lower jaw 4.

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Place the beauty instrument on the cheek and move it from the inside to outside 5. Place the beauty instrument on the forehead, move it from the middle to both sides 6.

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Place the beauty instrument on the T area and move it from bottom to top 7. You can adjust the gears of the machine according to your need in above steps Deep cleansing function 1. Install the beauty head with a small round hole 2.

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Point the small round hole at the acne or blackheads for caring and cleaning, and you can adjust the gears of the machine according to your need C. The function of lifting and tightening 1.

Install the oval beauty head Hold the machine, and clean the eyes, nose, mouth and other parts on your face.

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You can adjust the gears of the machine according to your need Precautions: 1. The tightening function comes with the face shaping and lifting effect, thus its not recommended to the skin with scars 2. For the microcrystalline head with the dermabrasion function, the dry skin is recommended to use it once a week, the oily mixed skin is recommended to use it twice a week, and each use shall not last for more than 5 minutes.

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Users should use it according to the specific condition of their skin. Do not press the tip on the skin tightly, because the instrument can produce strong pulling force 4.

After doing the facial care, the skin may feel slightly irritated, or it may redden because the muscle circulation speeds up. This phenomenon is normal, and the reddishness will fade automatically in minutes.

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After the facial care, please finish the moisturizing and sunscreen work 6. Do not use the facial scrub or other exfoliating products before and after the facial care 7.

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Please dry your hands before the care in case of that water or other liquid flow into the body of the machine from the exhaust holes on its back and thus damage the engine body. Please make sure that the filter sponge has been properly loaded into the filter cup and its dry it hasn't inhaled any water or other fluids before the care.

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And dry the facial parts that will be cleaned at the same time. Otherwise the dirt, water or other liquids may be drawn into the air box in the engine body and cause blocking, and the machine may break down under that situation. Garantii Tagastame teie raha, kui kaupa ei toimetata kohale 70 päeva jooksul pärast ostmist. Mida Paneb Criolipolisis lahe kuju masin korras erinev see, et ta kasutab arenenud jahutus tehnoloogia selektiivselt rasva kühmud kõrvaldada rasvarakkude järkjärgulise protsessi kaudu, mis ei kahjusta ümbritsevat kudedes.

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Kui rasvarakkude puutuvad täpne jahutades nad käivitamiseks looduslik eemaldamine et tasapisi vähendab peki kiht. Ja rasvarakkude töödeldud pinna õrnalt elimineeriti keha normaalse ainevahetuse käigus, et kõrvaldada soovimatut rasva. Tulemused on püsiv, kuna keha ei suuda luua uusi rasvarakke.

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Making vigastuse pehme kompaktne suusatamine. TPL kasutada Ultraheli kavitatsioon vähendada rasvarakkude arvu, samal ajal ära tripolaarne valikuliselt küte rasva Sügavus 30mm, nii et nahaaluse rasva ja tselluliidi rasva rasvhappeid, parandada akustiliste kavitatsiooni on karmistada Lõtv nahk. Zeltiq Criolipolisis masin seadmed eelised 1.

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Criolipolisis Cryolipolysis.