Levi slimming slim scenic,

I discovered today that I don't have any online shopping recommendations posted lately, so I'm gonna post a Christmas outfit inspiration for you here in near days for all of you who still wonder what to wear to all these parties. I already have had the classical 6 inch yellow boot for a few years and loved to wear them every winter obviously, but I kind of felt like having some more colours since I wear them too much and decided to get a pair of grey ones too. This really sounds like my classic blogpost - started to talk about Christmas and ended up with vitamin-talk in no time. The smell is so nice and similar to the custard. Kõigepealt, päeva enne päevituse peale kandmist või salongi sprei jaoks minemist, koorin ma naha täielikult Tan Eraser kindaga dušši all, mis on nii tõhus surnud naha ja igasugu toodete jääkide eemaldamisel. Kõik tooted ja rohkemgi on saadaval www.

The Mittens - Tan Eraser and the Tan Glove I'm gonna start with the tools first since these are really essential for this tan to work it's magic the best. First thing I do days before applying the tanning mousse or going to the salon for spray is that I scrub my whole body and face with the Tan Eraser glove under the shower which is so efficient for removing all dead skin and leftover tan and everything you don't want under your new tan.

It's really strong so it's better not to do it right before spray tan or the mousse. When this little mitten has done its job and it's time to add the tanning mousse, then I love to use the really soft velvety glove from VANI-T.

In Estonian we have this saying "stupid-proof" which I don't know if it exists in English, but it means that even if you really suck at applying tan then this glove will make sure that everything ends up looking well anyway.

Blends so nicely and so easy to glide down the skin! Kõigepealt, päeva enne päevituse peale kandmist või salongi sprei jaoks minemist, koorin ma naha täielikult Tan Eraser kindaga dušši all, mis on nii tõhus surnud naha ja igasugu toodete jääkide eemaldamisel. Põhiliselt kõik eemaldab, mida sa kindlasti oma päevituse alla ei taha jätta. See on üsna tugev koorija, sega ei soovitata päris kohe enne päevitust seda teha.

Kui see väike kinnas oon oma töö tublilt ära teinud ning on aeg lisada peale päevitusvaht, siis selleks kasutan üht väga pehmet ja sametist kinnast VANI-T'ilt.

Meil on ju selline väljend Eestis nagu "lollikindel", mis on täpselt see, mida selle kinda kohta öelda võib. Isegi kui sa ei ole üldse pädev igasugu isepruunistajatega, siis see kinnas aitab päevituse ühtlasena peale kanda, et ei jääks mingeid tugevaid rante ega laike.

Kinnas hajutab väga sujuvalt vahtu ning libiseb kiirelt üle naha. The Self-Tanning Mousse And we're already down to the most important part of the tan - the mousse! Now this is pure gold. It leaves the tan olive-ish and not orange at all and I think mousse is the easiest to apply from all self-tanning methods.

I usually start by applying to legs first with long strokes and then to stomach with circles and then I move up until I reach the face which I apply last with the leftover mousse on the glove. So many ask me if I have to re-apply the product to the glove over and over and the answer is yes, if you want ta proper strong and even tan.

However, I'm still on my first product and I think rasva kaotus lbs kohta has more than half of the product left, so it lasts really long!

I leave the mousse levi slimming slim scenic my face for hours and remove it with a cotton pad and water and then I'll let the rest of the body stay in the product for hours usually and then will rinse it off with water, but the foam develops a tan really quickly, so mostly 4 hours would already be enough.

Aaaand it's simple as that! It's so easy to use and leaves the most beautiful tan that lasts for 10 days if cared for properly and the care products are the ones I'm gonna introduce next. Find it HERE. Vot see on puhas kuld. Jätab naha oliivitooni mitte oranzi ning ma arvan, et vahtu ongi kõige lihtsam peale kanda kõikidest isepruunistavate meetoditest.

Ma tavaliselt alustan jalgadest, kui kannan vahu pikkade tõmmetega peale ning siis liigun kõhule, millele kanna ringjate liigutustega ning liigun üles kuni näoni, millel kasutan kindale järele jäänud toodet.

Paljud küsivad minult kas vahtu tuleb kogu aeg juurde kindlae panna ning vastus on et jah, kui sa tahad et päevitus oleks tugev ja ühtlane. Siiski olen ma alles oma esimese potsiku juures ja seegi pole vist isegi poolenisti ära kulunud nii et ühest tootest jätkub ikka päris kauaks! Vahu jätan näole kuskil ks tunniks ning eemaldan vee ja vatitupsuga ning kehale jätan kuskil tunniks ja siis loputan veega maha, kuid kuna tegemist on väga kiire toimega vahuga, siis 4st piisab ka täiesti.

Jaaa ongi nii lihtne! Vahtu on nii lihtne kasutada ning see jätab super kauni jume, mis kestab õigesti hooldades levi slimming slim scenic 10 päeva.

Hooldusvahendeid selleks tutvustangi kohe järgmisena.

Slim Sex Clips

Vahu leiad SIIT. Bronzing Custard Another one I would call pure gold again. The custard is a bronzing body creme that you can build up your tan with day after day until you reach the perfect shade you want.

It really doesn't need any products underneath it because it gives such a nice golden glow on its own already, but at the same time it's the perfect moisturizer that keeps the mousse tan strongly on your skin and beautifully bronze. Liis advised me to use an everyday body moisturizer the day after spray tan or the mousse tan and then next day should start using the bonzing custard and then again an ordinary mositurizer and so on, because levi slimming slim scenic little too much of that custard at once could turn tan a bit orange.

If I could pick only one product out of all the ones I've tried from VANI-T then it definitely would be the custard, because I love the golden tan it gives so much and it's so good that I can actually control how tan I want to be and where.

Bromzing Custard on kehakreem, millega saab oma päevitust igapäevaselt tumedamaks üles ehitada kuni leiad täpselt selle jume, mis meeldib. Selle juurde polegi tegelikult mingeid lisatooteid vaja, kuna see üksi juba annab nii kena kuldse jume, kuid samal ajal on ta ka tõhus niisutaja.

levi slimming slim scenic kiire kaalulangus uhe kuu jooksul

Liis soovitas mul kasutada päev pärast spreid või isepruunistavat mingit taalist igapäevast kehakreemi ning järgmine päev juba custard'i, siis jälle tavalist ja siis jälle custard'i jne. Kui ma saaksin valida vaid ühe toote nendest kõigist VANI-T toodetest, oleks see tõenäoliselt just custard, kuna mulle meeldib selle kuldne toon nii väga ja mulle meeldib, et ma saan hästi kontrollida, kui palju jumet mul peale tuleb ja kuhu. Leia see SIIT. Body Shampoo This here is another tan-care product that will help you keep your tan fresh for a longer time.

Our shower gels usually contain some sort of oils that could erase the tan quicker than it should and a lot of showering will lighten the tan anyway, so this shampoo is here to save you from all that and protects the tan while still well, cleaning you up properly!

The smell is so nice and similar to the custard. I think it's really important to have all these tan products with the care ones from the same company because they've been built to fit every product and this shampoo is definitely made for protecting VANI-T tan. Find that one HERE.

levi slimming slim scenic rasva poletamine makro suhe

Tavalised dušigeelid sisaldavad igasugu õlisid, mis võivad päevituse kiiremini maha pesta kui peaks ning tihe pesuskäik kulutab päevitust juba ise aina rohkem maha, seega see keha shampoo on selleks, et päästa sind kõigest sellest ja kaitseb su päevitust, kuid samal ajal peseb ka ju puhtaks!

Lõhn on sellel nii meeldiv, sarnane custard'i omale.

Slim Sex Clips

Ma arvan, et on väga oluline, et oleks kõik need päevitustooted olemas ja samalt firmalt, kuna need on loodud just üksteisega sobima ja üks teist täitustama ning see shampoo on kindlasti kohe mõeldud just VANI-T päevitust kaitsma. Leiad selle SIIT. Hope you all found some good tips for self-tanning, especially now when we have little to zero sun in Estonia and burning our skin in solariums is just not good enough anymore.

For me solariums have always been annoying because I have to go so many times to get a proper tan and it doesn't stay long either, but self-tanners are so easy and finally so highly developed that they don't leave us orange or spotty anymore.

2tk Istutuskonteiner Aiandustaimekott istutuskott käepidemetega õue

They all smell divine and last really long so I think they would be the most perfect Christmas gift for someone who would love to use them too! All the products I've intorduced and more are available on www. You can also buy the products straight from the salon.

For spray tan you have to book in advance and it's the easiest to book via Facebook at "Arabellah Spray Tanning" page. I actaully have one more product to introduce to you guys, but I'm gonna do it under my upcoming post about new favourite make-up products, because this is definitely tan related, but doesn't create any itself. Hope you enjoyed this long post and happy tanning! Minu jaoks on levi slimming slim scenic alati olnud pigem nuhtlused, kuna ma pean minema nii palju kordi, et mingigi korralik jume peale saada ja see ei püsi ka kaua peal, kuid isepruunistavad on palju lihtsamad ja kiiremad ning on arenenud piisavalt, et ei jää enam oranziks ega laiguliseks kergelt.

VANI-T on siiani olnud minu naha jaoks ideaalseim klapp ja täpselt seda tooni nagu mulle ka meeldib. Kõik tooted lõhnavad imehästi ja kestavad kaua nii et ma arvan, et tegemist oleks ühe ideaalse jõulukingiga just inimesele, kes hindaks üht head päevitust!

Kõik tooted ja rohkemgi on saadaval www. Tooteid saab osta ka otse salongist. SPreipäevituse jaoks tuleb aga ette broneerida aeg, mida saab lihtsalt teha Arabellah salongi FAcebook'i lehel nimega "Arabellah Spray Tanning".

Tegelikult on mul üks toode veel, mida teile tutvustada, aga see kuulub rohkem meigikategooria alla, seega kuuleb sellest mu tulevases postituses praegustest lemmik meigitoodetest. See on küll päevitusega seotud, kuid ise ei loo seda. Loodan, et see pikk postitus andis head infot ja rõõmsat päevitamist! Oh how I love Christmas time every year with Mariah carey being my jam, with the lights everywhere and all these tangarines, glögg and truffles in my tummy. Definitely the most wonderful time of the year and I'm feeling it to the fullest right now!

Но все еще впереди было время, когда Олвин настолько привыкнет к широкой и несколько кривоватой улыбке Хилвара, к его силе и к его мягкости, что ему едва ли правдоподобным будет казаться, что в свое время он считал этого парня таким непривлекательным, и ни за что на свете не захочется, чтобы Хилвар стал каким-то другим.

I've got all the presents planned already so I can actually enjoy the rest of the December haha! This week I don't really have any events or photoshoots planned, which is sooo nice over such a long time because I get to focus on work and posting on blog instead of creating and I have more time to spend with J and with fam this way.

Don't get me wrong, I love all the events my blog has enabled for me to attend, but I kind of want to just visit the Christmas market one evening too and now I can without being extemely tired.

I just might be really low on vitamins too to be honest, but I lose energy so quickly during winter. This really sounds like my classic blogpost - started to talk about Christmas and ended up with vitamin-talk in no time. I never edit my texts though, I just leave my thoughts the way they appeared when I typed the post down. This outfit actually got the most likes I've gotten on Instagram. Of course the beautiful snowy scenery helped a lot, but these pieces are really so gorgeous!

Thanks for the photos Kristjaana! Found that pink fur from Zara a few months ago and just had to levi slimming slim scenic it and now people like to hug me just to feel all that softness of that coat hahah!

I'm always happy to go to hers whenever I need a tan boost quickly without harming my skin, but since I move between Tallinn and Viljandi mostly, I don't get to hop by her salon as much as I wish I could. I've tried all the popular self-tanners one by one and honestly liked them all a lot, but VANI-T is so different in the sense that it is a genuinely strong self-tanner that has a quick and efficient effect.

My skin hasn't been really accepting of self-tanners before, but these products really give me a strong tan plus they are all cruelty free products and Australian made. I hope you've noticed that I'm quite tan for winter time and sadly no vacay on my photos and this is all thank to the following products I'm gonna introduce.

Täna tahaksin rääkida millestki, mida olen planeerinud juba piinlikult kaua, kuid sellega on nii palju mingeid tobedaid tõrkeid ette tulnud, et mul oli raske postitust ära teha. Mõnda aega on nüüd mul olnud ainult mu 85mm objektiiv kaameral ja pärast VANI-T isepruunistavate toodete 15 minutilise video filmimist sellega avastasin ma, et selle objektiiviga ei saa salvestada heli.

Kõik see vaev läks raisku ja pidin leidma viisi, kuidas postitus teieni ikkagi kiirelt tuua ja kõik mis ma teha sain oli see foto-teksti postitus, kuid loodan, et leiate ikkagi ka siit häid nippe kuidas saada ideaalne päevitus! Tutvusin Liisiga sel suvel kui ta avas oma professionaalse spreipäevituse salongi Arabellah Tartus, kus ta kasutab vaid VANI-T tooteid ning ka müüb neid seal ning pärast mitmete isepruunistavate toodete kasutamist, tutvusin ma taaskord täiesti uudse ja põneva isepruunistavate liiniga tema salongis.

Esiteks, tema tehtud levi slimming slim scenic on super ilus ja salong on üks armsamaid, kus ma käinud!

levi slimming slim scenic kuidas kaotus kaalu kuu jooksul

Mul on alati hea meel teda külastada kui mul on vaja kiiret päevitus boost'i ilma oma nahka kahjustamata, aga kuna ma peamiselt sõelun Tallinna ja Viljandi vahel, siis ma ei saa külastada salongi nii tihti kui tegelikult vaja läheks. Olen proovinud paljusid poppe isepruunistavaid ja kõigigia olen tegelikult ka väga rahul olnud, aga VANI-T on erinev just selle poolest, et see on väga tugeva toimega, millel on kiire ja tõhus tulemus.

Mu nahk pole väga vastuvõtlik tegelikult isepruunistavate suhtes, aga need tooted annavad mulle kohe selle õige tumeda päevituse pluss need on cruelty free ja Austraaliast pärit. Loodan, et olete tähele pannud, et olen terve talve nüüd üsna pruun olnud kogu aeg kahjuks ilma ühegi puhkusereisita fotodel ning see on olnud kõik tänu nendele toodetele, mida nüüd tutvustan.

The Mittens - Tan Eraser and the Tan Glove I'm gonna start with the tools first since these are really essential for this tan to work it's magic the best.


First thing I do days before applying the tanning mousse or going to the salon for spray is that I scrub my whole body and face with the Tan Eraser glove under the shower which is so efficient for removing all dead skin and leftover tan and everything you don't want under your new tan. It's really strong so it's better not to do it right before spray tan or the mousse.

Look 3: Topshop Look 4: Boohoo Here it is as promised, my last minute guide for all of you who don't know what to wear to Christmas festivities. I used some of my best known webshops that have the stuff I had in mind and used them to make an outfit collage.

When this little mitten has done its job and it's time to add the tanning mousse, then I love to use the really soft velvety glove from VANI-T. In Estonian we have this saying "stupid-proof" which I don't know if it exists in English, but it means that even if you really suck at applying tan then this glove will make sure that everything ends up looking well anyway. Blends so nicely and so easy to glide down the skin!

Kõigepealt, päeva enne päevituse peale kandmist või salongi sprei jaoks minemist, koorin ma naha täielikult Tan Eraser kindaga dušši all, mis on nii tõhus surnud naha ja igasugu toodete jääkide eemaldamisel. Põhiliselt kõik eemaldab, mida sa kindlasti oma päevituse alla ei taha jätta.

See on üsna tugev koorija, sega levi slimming slim scenic soovitata päris kohe enne päevitust seda teha. Kui see väike kinnas oon oma töö tublilt ära teinud ning on aeg lisada peale päevitusvaht, siis selleks kasutan üht väga pehmet ja sametist kinnast VANI-T'ilt.

Meil on ju selline väljend Eestis nagu "lollikindel", mis on täpselt see, mida selle kinda kohta öelda võib. Isegi kui sa ei ole üldse pädev igasugu isepruunistajatega, siis see kinnas aitab päevituse ühtlasena peale kanda, et ei jääks mingeid tugevaid rante ega laike. Kinnas hajutab väga sujuvalt vahtu ning libiseb kiirelt üle naha. The Self-Tanning Mousse And we're already down to the most important part of the tan - the mousse!

Now this is pure gold.

levi slimming slim scenic aqualyx slimming

It leaves the tan olive-ish and not orange at all and I think mousse is the easiest to apply from all self-tanning methods. I usually start by applying to legs first with long strokes and then to stomach with circles and then I move up until I reach the face which I apply last with the leftover mousse on the glove.

So many ask me if I have to re-apply the product to the glove over and over and the answer is yes, if you want ta proper strong and even tan. However, I'm still on my first product and I think it has more than half of the product left, so it lasts really long!

I leave the mousse on my face for hours and remove it with a cotton pad and water and then I'll let the rest of the body stay in the product for hours usually and then will rinse it off with water, but the foam develops a tan really quickly, so mostly 4 hours would already be enough.

Aaaand it's simple as that! It's so easy to use and leaves the most beautiful tan that lasts for 10 days if cared for properly and the care products are the ones I'm gonna introduce next. Find it HERE. Vot see on puhas kuld. Jätab naha oliivitooni mitte oranzi ning ma arvan, et vahtu ongi kõige lihtsam peale kanda kõikidest isepruunistavate meetoditest.

Ma tavaliselt alustan jalgadest, kui kannan vahu pikkade tõmmetega peale ning siis liigun kõhule, millele kanna ringjate liigutustega ning liigun üles kuni näoni, millel kasutan kindale järele jäänud toodet. Paljud küsivad minult kas vahtu tuleb kogu aeg juurde kindlae panna ning vastus on et jah, kui sa tahad et päevitus oleks tugev ja ühtlane. Siiski olen ma alles oma esimese potsiku juures ja seegi pole vist isegi poolenisti ära kulunud nii et ühest tootest jätkub ikka päris kauaks!

Vahu jätan näole kuskil ks levi slimming slim scenic ning eemaldan vee ja vatitupsuga ning kehale jätan kuskil tunniks ja siis loputan veega maha, kuid kuna tegemist on väga kiire toimega vahuga, siis 4st piisab ka täiesti.

Jaaa ongi nii lihtne! Vahtu on nii lihtne kasutada ning see jätab super kauni jume, mis kestab õigesti hooldades pea 10 päeva. Hooldusvahendeid selleks tutvustangi kohe järgmisena. Vahu leiad SIIT. Bronzing Custard Another one I would call pure gold again. The custard is a bronzing body creme that you can build up your tan with day after day until levi slimming slim scenic reach the perfect shade you want.

It really doesn't need any products underneath it because it gives such a nice golden glow on its own already, but at the same time it's the perfect moisturizer that keeps the mousse tan strongly on your skin and beautifully bronze. Liis advised me to use an everyday body moisturizer the day after spray tan or the mousse tan and then next day should start using the bonzing custard and then again an ordinary mositurizer and so on, because a little too much of that custard at once could turn tan a bit orange.

If I could pick only one product out of all the ones I've tried from VANI-T then it definitely would be the custard, because I love the golden tan it gives so much and it's so good that I can actually control how tan I want to be and where. Bromzing Custard on kehakreem, millega saab oma päevitust igapäevaselt tumedamaks üles ehitada kuni leiad täpselt selle jume, mis meeldib. Selle juurde polegi tegelikult mingeid lisatooteid vaja, kuna see üksi juba annab nii kena kuldse jume, kuid samal ajal on ta ka tõhus niisutaja.

Liis soovitas mul kasutada päev pärast spreid või isepruunistavat mingit taalist igapäevast kehakreemi ning järgmine päev juba custard'i, siis jälle tavalist ja siis jälle custard'i jne.


Kui ma saaksin valida vaid ühe toote nendest kõigist VANI-T toodetest, oleks see tõenäoliselt just custard, kuna mulle meeldib selle kuldne toon nii väga ja mulle meeldib, et ma saan hästi kontrollida, kui palju jumet mul peale tuleb ja kuhu.

Leia see SIIT. Body Shampoo This here is another tan-care product that will help you keep your tan fresh for a longer time. Our shower gels usually contain some sort of oils that could erase the tan quicker than it should and a lot of showering will lighten the tan anyway, so this shampoo is here to save you from all that and protects the tan while still well, cleaning you up properly! The smell is so nice and similar to the custard. I think it's really important to have all these tan products with the care ones from the same company because they've been built to fit every product and this shampoo is definitely made for protecting VANI-T tan.

Find that one HERE. Tavalised dušigeelid sisaldavad igasugu õlisid, mis võivad päevituse kiiremini maha pesta kui peaks ning tihe pesuskäik kulutab päevitust juba ise aina rohkem maha, seega see keha shampoo on selleks, et päästa sind kõigest sellest ja kaitseb su päevitust, kuid samal ajal peseb ka ju puhtaks!

Lõhn on sellel nii meeldiv, levi slimming slim scenic custard'i omale. Ma arvan, et on väga oluline, et oleks kõik need päevitustooted olemas ja samalt firmalt, kuna need on loodud just üksteisega sobima ja üks teist täitustama ning see shampoo on kindlasti levi slimming slim scenic mõeldud just VANI-T päevitust kaitsma.

Leiad selle SIIT. Hope you all found some good tips for self-tanning, especially now when we have little to zero sun in Estonia and burning our skin in solariums is just not good enough anymore.

For me solariums have always been annoying because I have to go so many times to get a proper tan and it doesn't stay long either, but self-tanners are so easy and finally so highly developed that they don't leave us orange or spotty anymore.

They all smell divine and last really long so I think they would be the most perfect Christmas gift for someone who would love to use them too!

All the products I've intorduced and more are available on www. You can also buy the products straight from the salon. For spray tan you have to book in advance and it's the easiest to book via Facebook at "Arabellah Spray Tanning" page. I actaully have one more product to introduce to you guys, but I'm gonna do it under my upcoming post about new favourite make-up products, because this is definitely tan related, but doesn't create any itself. Hope you enjoyed this long post and happy tanning!

Minu jaoks on solaariumid alati olnud pigem nuhtlused, kuna ma pean minema nii palju kordi, et mingigi korralik jume peale saada ja see ei püsi ka kaua peal, kuid isepruunistavad on palju lihtsamad ja kiiremad ning on arenenud piisavalt, et ei jää enam oranziks ega laiguliseks kergelt.

levi slimming slim scenic fatsal fat loss viga # 4

VANI-T on siiani olnud minu naha jaoks ideaalseim klapp ja täpselt seda tooni nagu mulle ka meeldib. Kõik tooted lõhnavad imehästi ja kestavad kaua nii et ma arvan, et tegemist oleks ühe ideaalse jõulukingiga just inimesele, kes hindaks üht head päevitust! Kõik tooted ja rohkemgi on saadaval www. Tooteid saab osta ka otse salongist. SPreipäevituse jaoks tuleb aga ette broneerida aeg, mida saab lihtsalt teha Arabellah salongi FAcebook'i lehel nimega "Arabellah Spray Tanning".

Tegelikult on mul üks toode veel, mida teile tutvustada, aga see kuulub rohkem meigikategooria alla, seega kuuleb sellest mu tulevases postituses praegustest lemmik meigitoodetest.

See on küll päevitusega seotud, kuid ise ei loo seda.