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This includes regular shortening, regular margarines, and many baked, pre-made products. You'll want to weigh your benefits and discuss it with your doctor. That's not a plateau.

Do you smoke? Smokers have a much more difficult time losing weight while low-carbing. Some people will simply not respond to the diet unless smoking is stopped.

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Smoking uses up vitamin C and stimulates the adrenal gland. Also the tobacco industry actually adds sugar to the tobacco to enhance its "allure. The drinking of alcohol is of some debate among low-carbers and the doctors themselves.

It seems clear that some of us can handle a moderate amount of alcohol and some cannot.

You'll have to determine this for yourself. Remember, the time your body is burning alcohol, it is not burning ketones. Also, alcohol stimulates insulin. If you are drinking, make sure it's a non-sugar based liquor like gin or whiskey, rather than rum or brandy.

Or have a dry wine or small amount of light beer. If you do drink and have hit a stall, try cutting it out entirely and this just might do the trick. Hormone therapy can slow down weight loss and stimulate the production of insulin. You'll want to weigh your benefits and discuss it with your doctor. Contrary to entry 4 above, you may need to do a little caloric restriction if you are near your goal weight or have lost a great deal of weight and then stopped. Too many people misinterpret the instructions regarding the diet as "Eat unrestrictedly.

In most cases, this practice will lead to a stalemate partway to the desired goal.


Are you taking medications that interfere with weight loss? Many drugs — even aspirin — can cause hypoglycemia. Watch out for hormones, amphetamines, diuretics, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, anticoagulants, anti-diabetics, antibiotics, tranquilizers, clofibrate, Acetaminophen, and propanolol.

This does not mean taking any of these will cause stall, simply that it should be considered as a possibility.

Obviously, don't alter prescribed medications without discussing it with your doctor. Do you take in a lot of caffeine? However we've found this is not the case with most people. Some including me can handle caffeine with no ill effects.

But it's something to look at if you take in a lot. Water, water, water. I know you've heard it all before, but are you really drinking enough water? You should be having 9 8-oz. If you're finding yourself stuck on a plateau, look at your water intake. If you haven't been drinking enough, this could be your problem.

Beginning the proper water intake can yield amazing results. One note: You need even more water if it's hot or if you're exercising vigorously. Read more about the importance of water here. The above thirteen points are general concern points where stalls occur.

However, my long search for my own release from a long plateau revealed a few new wrinkles that I want to share: Are you taking in trans-fats?

Trans-fats prevent your body chemistry and fat burning mechanisms from working properly and kick off a stall that's stubborn to break. If you're one of those people that just look at the carb counts on labels and not the ingredients, you may be taking in a LOT of trans-fats. Any label that includes the words "partially hydrogenated" should be avoided completely.

This includes regular shortening, regular margarines, and many baked, pre-made products. You should know that both Smart Balance and Spectrum Naturals Organic see photos on left make new non-hydrogenated shortenings that contain no trans fats. Always read the ingredients! Treats mean treats. We have a lot of recipes at the site for "goodies", treats and desserts.

And there are now many low-carb commercial treats, candies, bars, etc. These are helpful in a sensible low-carb diet because they keep us from feeling deprived and offer us something when the sweet-tooth calls or when we plan a party, or an elegant gathering. But the mainstay of our diet should continue to consist of good meats and low-starch veggies.

Don't think that because a dessert item is low-carb, you can have it three times a day. Take a good look at the supplements you are taking. You are taking supplements, right? While everyone has differing needs and you might want to do a little research to determine what's right for you, I can tell you that at a minimum, everyone should be taking a good multi-vitamin without ironCoEnzyme Q, Acetyl L Carnitine and a good balance of Essential Fatty Acids.

I began taking Acetyl L Carnitine I was already taking the others and more just before breaking the plateau. We will be publishing an article on the benefits of Acetyl L Carnitine soon, but one of its shining attributes is its ability to mobilize fat burning.

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If you want to take a "kick-start" step, I recommend the "Meat Fast. For days, eat nothing but Meat! You can have any red meat, fish or fowl with no breading or sauces and minimal seasonings. Fry in olive oil or clarified butter, or roast or bake them.

No dairy, no cheese, no veggies. You can have up to 2 eggs per day and drink lots and lots and lots of water. But no soda, no tea, no coffee, no low-carb specialty products.

You can have mayonnaise and mustard. You can make this more palatable this way: Before starting the diet, make up a variety of meats to have on hand as you need them: Roast a turkey breast and have it sliced and ready in the fridge. Võistlusklasse oli viis.

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Siin on iga vanuseklassi võitjad: 1. Esikoht läks jagamisele Praieni ja Indreku vahel.

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Mõlemad tabasid 6 korda 30 sekundi jooksul. Võistelda said ka lapsevanemad. Selle võistlusklassis võttis võidu Hannes Roo 7 tabamusega. Kool on omalt poolt pannud võitjatelele välja auhinnad! Palju õnne kõigile võitjatele!

Ning kõigile, kes esitasid video hiljemalt ndaks maiks ja kvalifitseerusid võistlustele, on samuti kooli poolt välja pannud väikese maiused. Kõigile, keda ootab koolis see väike magus üllatus, saadan Stuudiumi suhtlusesse teavituse. Auhindadele iga vanuseklassi võitja ja osalemise eest saadavale maiusele saab järgi tulla

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